Generosity (dana) is a fundamental practice in this and many other spiritual traditions. In keeping with this, practice sessions are offered freely.
This is not the way things are usually done in our culture where things offered free of charge are often seen as not valuable. The teachings flourish in an atmosphere of generosity and gratitude. These qualities in turn support the growth of wisdom and compassion.
There are opportunities for meditators to practise generosity to the temple which so kindly supports our practice. Donation boxes are available in the shrine room where we practise on Sunday nights.
You can also make donations to the temple via bank transfer. The temple's bank details are:
Sakyamuni Temple
BSB 012955 (ANZ Dickson)
Acc # 938531734
It’s easy to be confused when we are new to this way of doing things. We ask ourselves: Should we be giving? How much? Should we give something other than money? These are relevant questions in the material economy but with our meditation practice we engage differently. Let your heart be your guide. From the website of Panditarama Lumbini:
The act of giving itself is of immeasurable benefit to the giver; for it opens up the heart, diminishes for a moment one’s self-absorption, and places value on the well-being of others. The simple gesture of offering a flower or a few hours of volunteer work, a kind thought or a simple meal is in fact a sincere form of practice.